OEM 13C Useful EMCTL Agent Commands

-- Locate log files for agent  ($AGENT_HOME/sysman/log)
emctl getemhome

-- Check Status of the agent
emctl status agent

-- Stop the Agent 
emctl stop agent

-- Start the Agent 
emctl start agent

-- Clear the service status of monitored properties
emctl clearstate agent

-- Gather and upload properties to OEM
emctl upload agent

-- List of targets monitored by the agent
emctl config agent listtargets

-- Status of specific target which is monitored by agent
emctl status agent target xbe101cn03-man.dbaas.ing.net,oracle_si_server

-- Clear the status of the specific target which is monitored by agent
emctl clearstate agent xbe101cn03-man.dbaas.ing.net,oracle_si_server

-- Reload the gathering/EM Loading process for specific target
emctl reload agent dynamicproperties xbe101cn03-man.dbaas.ing.net:oracle_si_server

emctl control agent runCollection xbe101cn02-man.dbaas.ing.net:oracle_si_server Response


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